There are two schemes that will enable you to access funded support to help you with your day-to-day activities and support services. Which one you are eligible for will depend on your age. For Under 65 – National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) For Over 65 – My Aged Care Program A summary of these is […]
enableme is a place to talk to, and seek support from, other people who have ‘been there’. enableme is owned and managed by the Stroke Foundation. It has been created specifically for the Australian stroke community. Website address: Email; The enableme website provides a number of clear, step-by-step instructions for people to understand how to join […]
What is the Community Rehabilitation Centre? The Community Rehabilitation Centre (CRC) is a team based service. Our programs are designed to help you achieve the best recovery. Our aim is to improve or maintain your independence. Our goal is to help you achieve the best outcomes to improve your quality of life. What is the General […]
Recognising warning signs and taking quick action may advert a stroke or reduce its severity. Signs include: Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg - especially on one side of the body.
Commercial Passenger Vehicles Australia (CPVA) ensures that transport services, (taxis and hire cars, including rideshare) are accessible for all members of the community, including people with a disability.
There are obviously safety and licencing issues to consider when looking to resume driving after having a stroke and certain driving restrictions apply after you have had a stroke.