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Driving After a Stroke

Last Updated: 11th August, 2020
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

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There are obviously safety and licencing issues to consider when looking to resume driving after having a stroke and certain driving restrictions apply after you have had a stroke.

Refer to the Stroke Foundation fact sheet “Driving After A Stroke” downloadable here:

A stroke is defined as a neurological condition.  VicRoads state that ‘if you have a neurological condition, your driving could be affected by:

  • changes to your strength, coordination and range of movement
  • difficulties with judgement and decision-making
  • vertigo
  • loss of consciousness or vision.

Find out more about driving with neurological conditions here:

VicRoads outlines the information regarding assessing your fitness to drive, including requirements for health professional involvement and sign off.

Visit the Fitness To Drive Frequently Asked Questions page of their website here:

Local Contacts

Margaret Locarnini
Mobile: 0417 552 684

Margaret is an Occupational Therapist servicing the Baw Baw Shire region, who conducts driving functional assessments (cars only) for stroke survivors. Margaret can also provide advice on car modifications and seeking funding to perform modifications that may enable stroke survivors to drive.

Phil Help
Driving School Instructor
Mobile: 0425 803 227

Meetings held every first and third Tuesday of the month, 1pm to 3pm

Warragul Community House, 138 Normanby Street, Warragul
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This website has been developed with funding by the Department of Health and Human Services, through the Disability Self Help Grants scheme.
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