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Enable Me

Last Updated: 20th September, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

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enableme is a place to talk to, and seek support from, other people who have ‘been there’.

enableme is owned and managed by the Stroke Foundation. It has been created specifically for the Australian stroke community.

Website address:

The enableme website provides a number of clear, step-by-step instructions for people to understand how to join the community and access and use the online tools.  There’s even a ‘strokesaurus’ to help you understand language related to stroke.

They even provide instructions and have enabled the site to be adapted for easier reading – and you can choose to have information presented in an ‘easy English web page format.   That means shorter words and sentences and bigger text.

There’s also the option to:

  • Display the website to the left, middle or right
  • Underline the beginning and end of the lines in text
  • Change to high contrast
  • And, add a background colour on links.

Find out more about this function here:


StrokeLine provides advice and support via telephone Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

You can also email

For non emergency and general information you can even talk to a health professional.  Do this via the StrokeLine team on 1800 787 653.

To start using the enableme website go to the site and select “resources” from the left hand menu.

It will present the following image;

If you select “I’m new to stroke” – a new range of options to explore will pop up.  This is the same for all of the four boxes available to choose from above.

I’m new to stroke

The website also has blogs and forums so you can connect with others and an “ask a health professional’ online question and answer page. You can see common questions others have asked – this might answer your query too!

This fact sheet is designed to alert you to how helpful this site can be, but changes may be made to the website that are not updated on these fact sheets.

If you or someone you know can access the site this will make sure you have all of the current information and resources available.

The original website will always be the best place to visit if you can.

If you need help – touch base with the Warragul Stroke Group members and see if there is someone who may be able to help you access the information on the website.

Meetings held every first and third Tuesday of the month, 1pm to 3pm

Warragul Community House, 138 Normanby Street, Warragul
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This website has been developed with funding by the Department of Health and Human Services, through the Disability Self Help Grants scheme.
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