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West Gippsland Healthcare Group Community Rehabilitation Centre

Last Updated: 20th September, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

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What is the Community Rehabilitation Centre?

The Community Rehabilitation Centre (CRC) is a team based service.

Our programs are designed to help you achieve the best recovery. Our aim is to improve or maintain your independence.

Our goal is to help you achieve the best outcomes to improve your quality of life.

What is the General Rehabilitation Program?

The CRC provides a short-term program that is goal-based.  You will have an individualised program to help improve your skills.  You will be seen at the CRC or at home, depending on your therapy needs.

What services are provided?

The CRC team consists of:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Dietetics
  • Social Worker
  • Allied Health Assistant

Who should attend CRC rehabilitation?

These programs are suitable if you

  • are recovering after an operation, illness or injury
  • have a long term health condition which makes it difficult for you to manage day to day activities
  • are at risk of falling or have difficulty with walking

You will be assessed and we will work with you to set realistic goals.  This is done with input from you and your family.

With your consent you may be referred to other health care workers.

How do you book in?

Your doctor or health professional will send your referral directly to the Community Rehabilitation Centre.

A First Call staff member will contact you to gain some initial information.

A  CRC staff member will then contact you to arrange an assessment.

Assessments are held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

When are therapy sessions held?

Therapy takes place in a group setting in CRC.  You will have your own specially designed program but will work alongside others.

Sessions are held every:

Tuesday morning:
30am–12.00 noon

Thursday morning:
30am–12.00 noon

Tuesday afternoon (condition specific groups):

No sessions are held on Public Holidays.

Where is the CRC?

 The CRC is located in the Allied Health/ Community Rehabilitation Centre building on the west end of the hospital site at Warragul (enter via Landsborough Street car park).

How will you get to the CRC?

You are normally required to make your own way to the Centre. Please talk with CRC Staff if transport is an issue.

What does it cost?

All General Rehabilitation programs are free unless you have funding via the NDIS that you wish to utilise.

How do I contact the CRC?

For further information please telephone:

Community Rehabilitation Centre
West Gippsland Hospital
Landsborough Street
Warragul 3820

Phone: 5623 0647 or 5623 0643

Cancellation Policy:

Please contact the CRC if you are unable to attend a session. You may be discharged from the program if you don't attend three or more sessions and do not notify us.

Meetings held every first and third Tuesday of the month, 1pm to 3pm

Warragul Community House, 138 Normanby Street, Warragul
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This website has been developed with funding by the Department of Health and Human Services, through the Disability Self Help Grants scheme.
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